» Poem: The Prision |
The Prision
written by cuttie07:58 PM 4/2/051 Death is something that you do not want;
2 Just going to trial is hard enough.
3 Before you do anything to deserve your fate;
4 Think of the people you love.
5 Would they want to see you die;
6 Or happy and alive.
7 I don't want to see another man die;
8 I have seen so many pass before my eyes.
9I try not to watch;
10 that is rather difficult;
11 I cannot close my eyes;
12 They are made of stone.
13 You see the reason they built me;
14 Was to keep you alone.
15 To keep you from freedom;
16 To keep you from sight.
17 Innocent men are rare indeed;
18 But guilty abound in this place of misery.
19 I am the prison;
20 I am your cage.
21 I try to listen to all they have to say;
22 So much anger, so much rage.
23 Maybe someday I will know;
24 Maybe someday I will understand.
25 Why they would do it;
26 Why they took a life.
27 Not in self defense;
28 For that is completely right.
29 But just because they felt like it
30 Regardless of whether it was right.
31. I know they have their excuses
32. They think they were justified.
33. But in the grand scheme of things.
34. How bad was their plight.
35. Did they really need to take that life;
36. Perhaps without a thought.
37. Or could they just ignore them
38. Rather than blowing their top.
39. Why do they do the things they do;
40. Why do they have to fight?
41. They say they can not help it;
42. They say it’s all they know.
43. If humans are just products of their circumstances.
44.then it’s not much of a life.
45. To be destined for failure;
46. Right from the start.
47. It must be rather discouraging;
48. So why go on living life.
49. That’s why I think there must be something more;
50. Some bigger plan for life.
51. Some master plan that guides all things;
52. And tell you what is right
53. Plan was made for you
54. To follow or to not
55. But the one who planned it is always there;
56. Weather you chose to like Him or not
57. He will always be there for you no matter what
58. For better or for worse
59. But in the end you must account;
60. For your life complete.
61. And in that moment all you’ve done
62. Will come back to seal your fate
63. And all you’ve hurt and all you’ve helped will be there to testify;
64. Like silent witnesses to your fate;
65. Bring Him in or shut Him out.
66. This must be decided
67. Oh woe to the man who does not repent;
68. Who sneers at God almighty.
69. His fate will now be certain;
70. He cannot enter heaven.
71. So to all of ou who walk inside my walls;
72. Let this be a warning.
73. Live your life for the good of all
74. For you might not wake in the morning |
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please let me know what u think i would apprecate it thanks [ View cuttie's Profile ] [ Go to the Poetry Portal ] This Poem has been viewed 106 times