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» Poem: You
written by cuttie
12:52 AM 4/3/05
There is somethings
That make no sense in this world
One of those things is you
The way you walk
The way you talk
You don't care anymore
Why should I?
You left me
With no reason at all
I'll leave you
To do what you want to do
Just remeber
The pain I am going through
If it wan't for my friends
I would probably run away
Go someware
Ware i can never return from
YOu can't posibly imagan
What i am going through
I gave you my heart
Now its torn apart
If i had my way
We would be friends
I would not fel this way
We would just be friedns

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
this is about some one but i can't remeber who please comment thank you

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