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» Poem: He was mine(PLZ comment)
He was mine(PLZ comment)
written by ItalianStallionGrl
03:10 AM 4/3/05
I met him and I knew from the start.
He was the person that could share my heart.
I knew he had a girlfriend,
I knew he wasn't mine.
But I also knew I loved him.
And it would stand the test of time.
He loved me too, I knew it!
And the proof was soon revealed.
He broke up with his girlfriend,
But her pain quickly healed.
We became an "item",
And it was more than I can explain.
Even if i was sad, one look at him would stop my pain.
But my father saw something that wasn't there.
He thought my boyfriend was no good.
He told me i had to leave him,
that he was just a bum from the hood.
I did as I was told,
Though it hurt so bad inside.
My boyfriend said,"i dont care!!!" but i knew a part of him died.
And even though it was long ago,
and I should've already forgotten,
You can never forget your first true love,
And now a part of me is rotten.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Plz comment.

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» Comments / Feedback
by ItalianStallionGrl (4-3-2005 - 03:17 AM)
This was a sad thing for me to remember, so plz comment.

by fallen_&_lost_angel (4-3-2005 - 03:57 AM)
damn good poem

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