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» Poem: Pain is Life
Pain is Life
written by Scythe42
07:40 PM 4/3/05
Whether you're happy or sad,
There will always be pain,
There will always be disappointment,
The pain will take over you,
It will create the flames that burn in your soul,
That burn your spirit,
No one can live without pain,
Otherwise they're not human,
They're not real,
Life is pain,
It's what makes us hurt,
What makes us cry,
What makes us bleed inside,
It makes us cry ourselves to sleep,
Pain is all we know that is real,
All we see,
All we feel,
It will always feed on us,
It will eat away our soul,
It will always burn our happiness into ashes,
Pain is alive,
Pain is life.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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