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» Poem: The Music Box
The Music Box
written by twistedmind33
10:28 PM 4/4/05
It was the greatest treasure ever
Left behind in her big sister’s haste
A pink and white musical box
Filled with glitter and a carousel horse
It reminded her of a time
When the two shared a room
Along with a mess
The music box used to play every night
And the little girl would dread every moment
Praying until the end of its song
But never realized how much comfort she sought in it
Never being able to sleep without hearing at least one simple note
Then came the day when the music stopped
And the big sister moved downstairs
To a new room
That seemed so far away
The little girl adjusted just fine
And soon forgot the music
Focusing more on the latest pop bands of the time
And then time shifted once more
The little girl grew into an angst-ridden teen
The pop turning to rock
And times of innocent fun turned into partying with her friends
The big sister moved across town
Leaving the music box behind
Awaiting discovery
The angst-ridden teen walked into the newly abandoned bedroom
Examining the contents left behind
Nothing but stupid figurines and meaningless photographs
Nothing that applied to her
And nothing she wanted to keep
She then stumbled upon the long forgotten music box
And decided to give it a twist
The music filled the room
Along with her tortured soul
Reminding her of good times spent
Not caring about problems in life
And when there was nothing the music couldn’t fix

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
My sister left behind her music box, which really isn't a music box. It's actually a snow globe type thing, but I just call it a music box. I actually was listening to the music last night before I went to sleep and all these memories came back and I decided to write this. I kinda like it...

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This Poem has been viewed 364 times

» Comments / Feedback
by monipulated_madness (4-4-2005 - 11:05 PM)
I like it a lot.It's depressing but then again I like the turn of how the music box can lift the girl's soul just as it did when she was younger.I wish I had a suviner of my sister before she went across the country to college...well,I do truely like it.

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