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» Poem:

written by deadsexpuppet
01:08 AM 4/5/05
...oh my my my does it...not where i go...but who i go there with...wouldnt want to wander around by myuself...might get lost in my own subconcious somewhere out there...in the univerese...waiting for the moon...or the moon waiting for me

or maybe its jsut the moon..waiting for earth to blow its mind..to sent catastrphic spark its way..or amybe the moonsjsut waiting to be able to stand by itself..maybe waiting to be able o breath on its own...myabe the moon thinks the worlds sucks

the moon might, now how bout the sun, I'm sure it wants to end all of our lives, and I'm sure Jupiter wants to do the same but its to far away to do anything. Mars may like us and invade us, but u might be right about the moon cause the oceans are controlled by it, do u think the moon owns the oceans I like to think it does, I own an acer on the moon, so that means I own a stake in the oceans

maybe pluto secretly loves being cold...and jsut likes to lead on that shes hot maybe pluto jsut wants to get close to someone...ot something...maybe the sun secretly desires to burn out...jsut to be able to rest..mayube the owceans control the moon and maybe its all jsut a puzzled layed out for us to try and put together knowingly that we catn..even if we all worked togethter the sun would rise and set and the mon would still be alone and pluto would still be cold

are u sure it might not go flip flop?

oh no im sure thats how it would be...and saturn would stilll have its rings to foola round with and all the astroid would laugh and gigle and paly jokes on eachother and mars would still have life on it and the moon oh how sad the moon is cuz its so alone out there..in the darkness where its jsut the stars singing you to sleep

and trust...the stars really do sing

yes but I;m sure the moon can move beside venus, cause its like earths sister, don't forget neptune the bluest of planets, I'm sure it'll have to take some prozak soon, if I was a blue planet I would go for some. but what do the stars sing rock ballads? maybe r &b, cause its hard to relax to R&b without popping a cap in someones ass

no no the stars sing lovly notes...to nonsense songs that make the planets rest they ease the sun into belive its important and neptune will always be forgoten..for it is blue and will tkae prozak..but dont forgot how he likes to drink out of saturns way..and venus how could we forget venus..the most lovely planet of all

oh venus the forgetful planet how wonderful she is..the bueaty and lustful planet of hers..how she longs for the sweet embrace of the stars how she wishes they would sing jsut for her

u know I should really grab all this down that we talk about, it would make my writting so interesting, but utterly I can't being still in a drunkin haze I will not, but i will go, and think about what u told me, ur forsight has shown me a way

why ofcourse letign u think and sink it all in..would be intresting although its forgetful how drunken u are..how this wouldnt hit u as much as it would the peper shaker

only if it was thrown across the room

oh but peper doesnt liuke to be thrown its salt the one who leaves the bitter taste and caloses ur mouth..its salt who likes the pain and peper who likes the pleasure

this is starting to sound liek alice in wonderland

Haha Alice in wonderland..i wish i was in wonderland...i wonder how that would be; sabbie in wonderland...how dark and twisted i would be how lost i would get with thehatter oh and the white rabbit..how i would kiss him and make him better how i would fix his watch and make sure he wasnt late for his date...and i would have to pay my respects to twiddle dee and twiddle dum

but there is a dark alice in wonerland...after alice goes insane

oh but yes i only know the well of that part..if only alice was me..shed be insane along time ago..for my life seems to be a daze only a blur of this and that of the parties and peper shakes and bunnies oh the bunnies how white anf fluffy how i wish i could grab onto something and never let go for my life is jsut going to fast

i truly msut be going sleep calls my name

sleep how wonderous it msut be...pleqasant ngihtmares it is to you

its not the nightmares i fear

maybe the haunting dreams are more to tickle your fancy

it is reality which is much more scarier

tis true or maybe reality isnt real maybe all this the world the eart the stars and moon...aybe the oceans and alice..and me and you...is jsut a figment of god dreaminf...dreaming of a better palce for us...if thats true i really wish god would wake the fuck up

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
theres REALLY bad spelling sorry i typed it really uberly uberly quick

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