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» Poem: Violence
written by Evil_Babi_13
05:23 PM 4/5/05
I see a lot of violence happen everyday,
And I see the people tryin,
Tryin to get away.

The more I look around,
The more I start to think,
Maybe all this violence,
Is as permenent as ink.

I hear a lot of people lyin,
And I see even more cryin,
Over the millions of people who keep on dyin.

People say this is how the world is gonna stay,
But all I have to say is,
It shouldn't be this way.

So if we stop the hatin,
And try to get along,
Maybe so many people wouldn't be gone.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
I made this one up for a school play

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