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» Poem: Garden of Hate
Garden of Hate
written by XpaperdollX
12:14 AM 4/6/05
Plastered happiness,
In this garden of hate,
Feeding on the souls he has destroyed,
You have mistaken the power he holds,
Entwined in those he has killed,
Murder by a single word,
Water the hatred,
Give it blood so it grows,
Take the time to love the destruction,
It is a part of this so called life you live,
Plan your dreams,
He will smash them upon the ground,
Leading you into a lie,
A cross of his existence,
Do you believe,
In this garden of Hate,
Who is he?
His the one you trust,
The one you call upon when something is wrong,
You say he gives you strength,
In your eyes I see only weakness,
Someday he shall plant you,
The ugliest flower you shall be,
In this garden of his hate.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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