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» Poem: Like The Rain Upon My Face...
Like The Rain Upon My Face...
written by bloody_tears_girl
12:19 AM 4/6/05
like the rain upon my face,
you stun me,
you take me to a higher place.
like the rain upon my face,
you give me shivers,
you wash away my pain.
like the rain upon my face,
you made me fall in love with you,
by your beauty, your tenderness, the way you feel.
like the rain upon my face,
you make me happy,
i love the feeling of you against my skin.
and like the rain upon my face,
if you leave,
you will always come back.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
this is kinda unfinished, but i wanted to post it anyway, just cuz. plze comment

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This Poem has been viewed 350 times

» Comments / Feedback
by cryptic_misery (4-6-2005 - 12:28 AM)
I love this poem, it has a very powerful meaning to me, it is very very beautiful, I would leave it the way it is

by (guest) (4-6-2005 - 12:50 AM)
this is actually a pretty OK poem. i don't hate it, at least. good job.

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