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» Poem: ~DEAD LAND~( comments)
~DEAD LAND~( comments)
written by Ev0l_sin#TRIP
01:37 AM 4/8/05
i'll come to my own rescue
i have me to save myself
i watched as i laid bleeding
when there was no one else
in the categorie
of the dead starcrossed lovers
left to fend alone in a world
of brother versus brother
in a world where a murderer
is more trust worthy then some mothers
in a place where even if dads stick around
you'd rather slit his throat
where being different is whats profound
and perfects a decieving show
in a world, where truly worst pain
only the children know
they hide in the dark corners of they're rooms
keeping hidden what little glow
in this land, of true false love
and your best friend is your foe
and deathly pain and suffering,is the only thing that grows

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
potrait of the world today and just how i view it

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This Poem has been viewed 190 times

» Comments / Feedback
by perfect.flaws (4-8-2005 - 01:38 AM)
that was fukin awesome!

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