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» Poem: Too Deep
Too Deep
written by piperneedshelp
02:51 AM 4/9/05
i'm so sick of the liers, the cheaters, the cryers, the fakes
they never understand what its really like to be Real
they take their pictures and gestures from those who really have issues
then they turn it so they are the center of attention
it just isnt right, how they take something
(our last thing we have to keep)
from us just to feel better about themselves

its not our problem that you feel insecure
we dont feel insecure, we feel pain
its not your kind of pain
its the lonely pain, the kind that is hard to get rid of
the one that never leaves you completely
the one that manafests in you when you are actually alone
til it gets so bad that you have to find your escape
self-mutilation is the key

whether cutting, or burning, or piercing
somehow all this frustration, anger, and even the pain
leaves for a while, only a little while
but it works. and we know it works. we have to keep going
keep going until its a ritual thing, something done often
often enough for people to finally take notice in us

but when they take notice, they write us off
as trying too hard to get attention
well, if thats the problem, then why not give us some attention?
did you ever think of that?
no, of course not! that would be too easy
instead you make us suffer. tis easier for you

pretend you did the right thing
but dont blame us when it eats at your conscience
after we have cut just a bit too deep

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
do what you must.

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