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» Poem: Make Me Visible
Make Me Visible
written by Scythe42
12:40 AM 4/13/05
Why don't people take me seriously?
Why can't they hear the words I scream?
Don't they notice?
Don't they care?
Or do they just not know I'm there?
Can't they see the pain they caused?
The weakness that they exploited?
Do they just think I'm a mirage?
Not worth even looking at?
Didn't they hear the words I spat?
All those lies that made me suffer?
Don't they know what I went through?
I guess it's hard to put yourself in someone else's shoes.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
feedback please,i'll take any constructive critisism I can get.

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