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» Poem: to the porkchop_chick
to the porkchop_chick
written by randomdude666
07:06 PM 4/13/05
to the pork chop chick,
i give my thanks
not becouse i know her,
but becouse she is a fucking good poet!
unlike me,
sheas modest and has self controle
but what do i know or cair?
from the geordie,
aka randomdude666@hotmail.com

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
well your bloody class and i love ya poems- there really inspiring
its a shame ime a crap poet!
love 2 yall, from the happy geordie

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» Comments / Feedback
by cutter91 (4-14-2005 - 11:19 AM)
hey joe! its kae! from msn.....like the poems.....they are funny.....lol anyway luv ya babe ttyl see you lare xxxxxxxx

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