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» Poem: Deep Blue Eyes (plz comment)
Deep Blue Eyes (plz comment)
written by --comfortably_numb--
05:26 AM 4/15/05
My life without you is like a night without stars or a day without sunlight...
The beauty of my life cannot be seen without you, just like the beauty of the sky without its stars,
I need you,
You’re my heart, my brain and my deep blue eyes,
You’re my Angel who understands me and my Soul that moves about me,
You’re my protector and my freedom all at once,
You’re the one I need and no one else,
You’re the one I feed off and no body else,
Your body feeds my eyes and nobody else,
Your Soul Connects with mine and no body else’s,
You’re the one I need and nobody else,
I love you forever and truly with my heart, my soul and my deep blue eyes,
You’re the one I need no matter what happens,
You’re the one I need...

- For you by me

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
one of my better poems... comment if you want

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