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» Poem: ABCs My Way - With A Twist At The End
ABCs My Way - With A Twist At The End
written by xfadingmemoriesx
02:56 AM 4/16/05
A is for anxiety,
often caused by stress.
B is for brutal,
as you get more you gain less.

C is for caring,
like the average person doesn't do.
D is for dictator,
like the one who's ruling over you.

E is for education,
though in the classroom we learn nothing worth knowing.
F is for flying,
we act like we can but our disbelief is showing.

G is for grade,
when we should be graded on our capabilities.
H is for hell,
god has innocence and he made the world but satan has some abilities.

I is for His innocence,
hard to find in the world we now know.
J is for just in time,
slow but steady gets you there, but sometimes you're not allowed to be slow.

K is for KKK,
modern times and we still discriminate.
L is for loser,
being smart and unpopular will always bring on hate.

M is for majority,
the minority never rule.
N is for nobody,
you're told your whole life you're a fool.

O is for organized,
something which you are not.
P is for prejudice,
they judge you without knowing how much you've fought.

Q is for questioning,
you ask only questions and you get nothing in reply.
R is for requirement,
things often required are often a lie.

S is for serenity,
you can find peace in unlikely places.
T is for trusting,
you'll never trust someone of a different race.

U is for understanding,
when you can love you can understand.
V is for very misunderstood,
they hate you because you tried to lend a hand.

W is for welcome,
which is something you'll never really be.
X is for exceptional,
something you are but no one else can see.

Y is for young,
you still have so much to learn.
Z is for zipper,
oh burn.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Ahahahha the z part is totally random kay. =P Comments please! xD

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This Poem has been viewed 124 times

» Comments / Feedback
by see-saw (4-16-2005 - 03:05 AM)
lol nice

by YouSmileAs_I_Die (4-16-2005 - 03:24 AM)
very nice

by iheartMisFiTs (4-16-2005 - 03:31 AM)
awesome poem!!i love the z one sounds like something i would say. \m/

by random_dork7189 (4-16-2005 - 05:45 AM)
Totally loved it, 'specially the burn. Rock on.

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