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» Poem: Looking
written by TowelytheThing
10:41 PM 5/8/04
I would look,
To find your world crashing.
And see your life slashing.
I look with a smile.
The blood is slurting.
You're gasping for breath.
Reaching for air,
Asking why?
Why did you do this to me?

I looked and laughed.
To return the favor.
I answered.
If you didn't know.
I am dead too.
I am looking for your pain.
As to what you gave me.
Sucks for you.
And don't turn your back on me again.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
this is how i felt on the inside-dead this was based from march and i finally thought of writing to it

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