It's cold,
The snow is falling,
The streets are covered in white.
Your embrace is holding me tight.
Do this,
Do that,
Don't do that.
Go here,
Go there,
Don't go there.
You tell me what to do,
What to say,
When to nod,
When to leave,
What to believe.
You tell me what to eat,
You tell me where to sleep.
You fill my head with numbers,
You fill my head with food,
You tell me I cannot be rude.
You keep me far away from the light,
You tell me I must keep it out of my sight,
You tell me lies,
You show me lies,
I don't know they are lies though,
I don't know you were meant to be my foe.
But When I see past the lies,
I realize how I complied,
and how you lied.
The world seems to call me death,
But you say I am still ugly,
Still fat,
Still repulsive.
Others say I am too small,
Too slim,
To skinny,
They say they can see my bones,
But I don't believe them.
You caused this,
You taught me this path,
Now get me out.
"I didn't do anything, You did this" You say.
I didn't though,
You did,
You led me in it,
But you won't lead me out.
I am stuck here,
To help myself,
To take away this disease,
and replace it with ease.
But because you led me to hate myself,
I don't know how to get help.
I still see what you said was me,
I still look gross,
How can I not be these things?
You led me to believe all this,
I left you there,
Without bliss.
But still,
I feel your goodnight kiss.
You lied,
You told me I must comply,
But this,
This is not what I thought you were,
I never thought you could be so cold,
So old.
So I am told,
You are old,
You are cold,
You control people's lives,
You sometimes even give them knives,
But you never seemed like that at all,
Not until I saw you made me fall.
I fell,
Only to feel the pain,
Only to see you were not here,
Only to see that I was left in fear. |