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» Poem: 4.18.05
written by twistedmind33
10:38 PM 4/19/05
Nice shoestrings
Was all I could mutter
As you walked past
I hadn’t seen you for almost a year
And that was all that came out
I wanted to run up to you
Give you a hug
And tell you how much I messed having my troublesome friend by my side
But now I don’t think I was supposed to
When I walked up to you
Said my hello
And looked you in the eye
I saw that things had changed
I had my new life
And you had yours
Late night talks
Trips to Hy-Vee
Going to the movies and having no clue what it was about in the end
It’s a shame to think all those years wasted
I’d like to say things could be different
But they can’t
Our two worlds are different
Not capable of missing
And if they do
Only disaster will follow in its nicely dressed footsteps

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
I saw someone who I was best friends with since 3rd grade to 7th grade yesterday and nice shoestrings was all that came out. Yeah, I'm regular old genass!

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