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» Poem: Doors of Deciet
Doors of Deciet
written by Canadianbacon967
06:36 PM 4/20/05
The Doors to the end and beginning of time,
they swallow up fear and reduce it to grime
for time after time,
and year after year,
Oblivion comes to destroy, disappear…

The Doors of Deceit
Will lie to your face,
and tell you of things,
emotion and grace.
The assets of dreams,
your undying embrace
but at the same time
the death and the pain.

It comes to the end,
the beginning of time
its words condescend
the essence of the how
the world will end.
Is all in your hands,
damned as they mend.

The Doors of Deceit
Will lie to your face,
and tell you of things,
emotion and grace.
The assets of dreams,
your undying embrace
but at the same time
the death and the pain.

The death of ages
The Beginning of wrath
as time marches on
we roam down the path
for the Door of Deceit
will not be condemned…

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
I had a cradle of filth song stuck in my head. As you read this imagine a sound sorta like the Cradle of Filth song- Nymphetamine Fix

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