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» Poem: don't say goodbye
don't say goodbye
written by Ev0l_sin#TRIP
07:24 PM 4/20/05
don't say goodbye
because i still love you
even tho you lied
and were untrue
don't say good bye
because i'm still here
sitting in the dark
listening to my tears
don't say goodbye
because i'm here till the end
maybe by then
my heart will mend
don't say good bye
i love you so much
but i guess all my love
just wasn't enough

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
i got my hear broken on 420, i'm in a forgetten mood

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This Poem has been viewed 191 times

» Comments / Feedback
by cryinginside (4-20-2005 - 07:46 PM)
aww i'm sorry about ur crappy day i loved the poem though sometimes thats how i feel things get better but i hate to say that you probbly wont ever get compleatly get over it if you loved this person as much as it sounds like you do. keep writing

by silentscreamsecretscars (4-20-2005 - 07:46 PM)
awww me likes it

by DRaGoN_PiXZie213 (4-20-2005 - 10:26 PM)
ITS SOOOOO GOOD. sorry you got heartbroken too...it sux so bad but "everyone" expects you to move on like them and if you loved as much as it seemed....you like me never will.

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