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» Poem: Razor Blade
Razor Blade
written by Freaks_kitty
04:56 AM 4/21/05
Wut iz this?

what can it be?

Do i know it?
Can i feel it?
Iz it wut i think it iz?

Sharp teeth,
silver and shiny,
o what can it be,
can u tell me?

It teeth to cut things,
especially skin,
look at it,
pouring red,
wut can it be?
Can i be dead?
Why must it bleed?
Feeling this dread?

Cant have nething to numb it
not just a simple cut,
no scar,
no healing,
just nothing,
so wut an i be ,
sharp teeth,
shiny and silver,
just watch it bleed,
as i cut with my razor blade

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