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» Poem: Wake up
Wake up
written by dakawan_16
09:22 PM 4/22/05
it rings, you do not hear.

it rings, still you ignore.

Why do you hate yourself so?

It shines, you run for cover.

It shines, you dry up soon.

Why do you hate the water?

It calls, you don't respond.

It calls, you hide in caves.

Why have you let them weaken you?

It shows, you close your eyes.

It shows, you cover your head.

The hath shined in darkness,

darkness did not understand.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
I cannot be hid. i show the limits of darkness and exspose the weakness of shadows. I take the tounge from foolish till he acquires knowledge. Be Lead or be captured.

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