» Poem: I AM |
written by dakawan_1609:49 PM 4/22/05I Am the one who frightens the possessed. N0 shadow can contain me. I speak from the depths when the shame is most present, at the time mere mortals seek rebellion as saftey. I confront the alter at the door he stands in, just as the mind is about to be conformed by dis-......appointment. My foundation is laid, and he who falls beneath it remains fallen, as I rise again like the morning SON, or is it Sun? I choose SON-Light. As I AM a Son, I receive instruction. No thought in any realm can Defeat my inheritence or inherited intelligence. Take your pick. I can't be depressed be cause I disperse pressure. I Am Inherrited. |
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Darkness is only the apropriate back drop for light. [ View dakawan_16's Profile ] [ Go to the Poetry Portal ] This Poem has been viewed 511 times
» Comments / Feedback | by ForEverLonley (4-22-2005 - 09:56 PM)
...whoa..it was really deep, good job |