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» Poem: He was
He was
written by TowelytheThing
08:15 PM 5/10/04
I lost track of breath
His eyes were deep green
His hair spiked and black
Tall and sleek
A hidden mind behind
His lip pierced and eyebrow too
His ears were full of spikes
And cuts and wounds
His forked tongue was cool
I was amazed and started to drool
His hair all spiked
And black nails
I knew it was love
His pants were big and baggy
And his shirt said Death Forever Passion
The girls fell to the floor
I stood there before the door
Asking him for a walk
He was quite the guy
To make all the girls scream
He was the only one
Who made me cry
About what he looked like
In and Out

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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