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» Poem: Thank you isn't enough
Thank you isn't enough
written by whatShouldUsBe
08:57 PM 8/18/04
I want to say thank you,
for everything you've done,
and everything you'll do,
but thank you isn't enough,
not for you,
eventually I'll get it,
and when I do it'll be grand,
the highest appreciation,
in the land,
you mean so much to me,
I don't know what to say,
you were the only one who belived,
I could make it my own way,
for now I just say thank you,
but that's not all I want to say,
I'll think of it maybe not now,
but some day.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
The person I wrote this for is very special to me and I wish I knew how to express my feelings toward them but for now thank you will have to be enough.

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