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» Poem: expected things from a odd stranger
expected things from a odd stranger
written by Misery
10:23 PM 8/26/04
black ink writen on white paper writen by a pale left male hand with black nails
he is expected to fail
hail satan is expected to come from the stranger dressed in all black
the gawkers expect for this person to sacrifice somethign for the satanic devilsish god
stop staring leave the lovely stranger be
it's ovious he doesn't want to be seen
this is not some monsterous fiend
lean and whisper to each other something cruel
you pople that think you are cool
anger hate rage is a powerful fuel
because of your ignornace you make end up having to duel.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
do not judge if you do not understand

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