» Poem: if you're real |
if you're real
written by Xx brOken xX01:34 PM 8/28/04god,
if you're really out there
if you really exsist
please answer this
they say you love us no matter what we do
yet, how can you love the people that kill the ones you love oh so much?
they say you put us all on earth for a purpose
but what about the people that dont have a purpose?
what about the people that dont make a difference?
they say you want us all to be happy and live a good life
then why are so many people not happy and depressed?
some have harsh lives and want to die
so why'd you do that to them?
they say that you make miracles happen
then why dont you feed the ones dying from starvation?
why dont you heal the ill?
why dont you save the abused?
why do you put people on earth to only suffer a harsh death?
to only suffer a harsh childhood?
why do you put people on earth for a couple of years or even a couple of days and then take them to the place called heaven?
why do you not punish the cruel and murderers with a sick long death?
but then instead you give cancer to those who have done nothing
they have four kids
married happily
with two grandkids
you make the good people suffer
so if you're real
and you do exsist
let a miracle happen to me |
All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author. Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
this poem is mainly for my aunt who has died from cancer about half a year ago... leave some comments to let me know what you think, please. [ View Xx brOken xX's Profile ] [ Go to the Poetry Portal ] This Poem has been viewed 380 times