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» Poem: The Power
The Power
written by Misery
03:55 AM 9/4/04
i hold the knife
and the power
as you look at me
with opleading eyes teeming with terror
how does it feel
knowing you're about to die?
i feel you tremble
your screams beg for mercy
as if i was your god almighty
do you think i would come this far
just to let you go?
i am the one
who will bring you to deaths door
pushing you through
watching you fall
ready or not
your time has come
the darkness awaits
as i plunge the blade
into your pumping heart
i watch the blood squirt out
splashing on my skin
the warmth of it arouses me
the wound inflicted will never heal
and as i watch you struggle
gasping for just one more breath
i revel in the fact
that your exquisite demise
was all because i had the power....

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
a poem by demonic_vampbabe....
my erotic/vampiric role model...even though i never met her

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