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» Poem: Broken beer bottle
Broken beer bottle
written by Lovely_Suicide
09:53 AM 9/9/04
Drinking youself into your grave
You and your wife
Not caring about the influnce you might be having on all these kids
Although i havent seen you drank
I know that drinking it constantly will kill
Although i hate you
I have to think of the other kids
The broken beer bottle inside you
Breaking smaller everytime you drink
Pieces of the bottle spreading into your blood
Trying depseratly to put you and your wife in your graves
My brother says you've stopped
But i dont know if his telling the truth or lying
Intill i know you've stopped
Im going to keep seeing that broken beer bottle killing you
And you not caring about the pain you will inflict on these children
And the guilt you will give me
Causing me to commit suicide.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
This is about my step mum and dad i last saw them drinking a while ago and thats when i stopped seeing them for a year and i havent seen them drink now but i dont believe wat i see so yeah

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