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» Poem: If my life was theirs
If my life was theirs
written by Lovely_Suicide
09:40 AM 9/11/04
Stuffing my life up was everyone's joke
They enjoyed it as much as coke
It hurt me that much that i tried to end my life
When i failed i was in strife
But all anyone could do was be nasty and mean
Haunting me like halloween

Now i wonder how they would feel if i did the same to them
Take away their gem
Make their lifes so dull and full of pain
Course them to go insane
Stab them in the back
Make their worlds so black
Make them want to bleed day and night
Get rid of all their delight

My life is nothing to them
A life without a stem
Not taking my life in their hands and treating it so delicate
Not caring about my fate
How would they feel if this happened to them?

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
im wondering wat they would feel or think if y life was theirs

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