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» Poem: Watching my world die away
Watching my world die away
written by Lovely_Suicide
06:04 AM 9/24/04
Cold frost forming on this window
Long green vines smothering the outside world
Light beginning to fade
Sitting down on this seat
Watching my world die away in front of me.

Constant memories bearing into my head
Hearing nothing but all this screaimg
Confined in a place i don't even know
Grass dying
Flowers wiltering
Just sitting here watching as my world dies away.

People getting nastiar
Things growing worse
Filled with morbid thoughts
Boasting out of my head
Sitting here watching as my world dies.

Sun hiding behind thick black clouds
Chirpy birds gone to hide
Shawdows everywhere
Stuck in a gloomy place
Watching as my world dies.

My dying world
Forbidden to leave this place
Locked in a room i dont even know
Destined to fade away in here
And no longer observe my world that is dying.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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