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» Poem: Died by a thorn, Now Shes not born
Died by a thorn, Now Shes not born
written by Lovely_Suicide
05:39 AM 10/7/04
Sitting in the corner picking off the leaves
Hiding the cuts under her sleeves

Pulling apart the flower
She Feels a boost of power

Sitting there thinking
Slowly sinking

Pulling of a thorn
Slashing at her wrists till their torn

Throwing away the rose
Bleeding threw her clothes

Lying down on the grass
The air starting to feel like gas

Eyes that are closing
Starting to feel like she's dosing

Her life slips away
Never having to cut everyday

The sun goes to hide
Not wanting to provide;For something thats died

Rain pours down on her
Life becoming a blur

A lost life to a thorn
Now it's like she wasn't even born

Everywhere its quiet
People igoring their diet

Seeing this pour girl
As white as a pearl

Not a word to be heard
From the suicide that occured

Like she was never born
Like she never had a life that she worn.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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