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» Poem: Awakening (A Play)
Awakening (A Play)
written by Mars_Phoenix
05:44 PM 10/21/04
The entire stage is based around a basketball court. It’s a basic schoolyard design, with metal fencing up surrounding the court. Everything out-with the court is pitch black (on one side is a net and vice versa). At the back of the stage are benches facing the audience. No Colour on the stage, preferably all clothes, props etc to be BLACK and WHITE. In the middle of the court, lying on the floor is a young man of about 17/18 (black), wearing casual sports clothes.
Sitting on the benches facing the audience is a figure that is shrouded in darkness and thus we cannot make any features out. We are only aware that there is someone there.
As the character lying down opens his eyes and begins to sit up, the play begins.

Youth: What… (As he sits up quite fast and is about to jump to his feet, he brings his hand to his head and closes his eyes for a moment and sits back down). My head…

The youth slowly stands up, unsure of where he is or what has happened, and surveys his surrounding environment.

Youth: Just like the courts on Madison and South. Am I Dreamin’?
At this point the figure on the bench stands up and walks out from the shadows – smiling.

Unknown Character: Well done (he applauds).

The youth spins round in surprise to face the unknown character.

Youth: What? (he backs away). Who… Who are you?

The unknown character is now totally visible to the audience. He wears a long dark trench coat, with a ‘hoodie’ underneath with dark baggy jeans. His appearance although youthful gives off an eerie presence as if there are untold years behind the eyes)

Unknown Character: Who am I? Yes, quite. Such a question were it even truely answerable would not be divulged in this moment. Who am I you ask? Why don’t you ask yourself who YOU are?

Youth: What the hell’s that meant to mean? I don't believe this is...I can't... This is gotta be some kinda dream.

Unknown figure shakes his head and smirks.

Unknown Character: Master Liu expected such a reaction from you. I guess you’re only a kid. You probably have some great future all planned out. You’ll be in the N.B.A earning millions, driving your Ferrari to work and having your mansion somewhere within the finer points of Hollywood. Well let me tell you something my friend – that is a dream. This is reality right here. You’re never going to get anywhere without letting others help you, Troy.

Troy: You know my name? What is this place? I don’t understand any of this.

Unknown Character: These things will be revealed when you are ready to hear them. IF you are ready… Welcome to the Great Hall of your Mind.

Troy: My mind?

Unknown Character: Sure, your mind. The place inside your head where you feel most comfortable. In one way this is very real, you can die here. Yet in another sense this isn't a real basketball court - These are images I have...Borrowed shall we say, from your mind. The basketball courts on Madison and South, where you’ve been playin’ there everyday after school for the last 8 years. See those gates behind you? (Indicates gates at the back of the stage). When you are ready; we will proceed.

Troy: I see. (Clearly dazed) Where do they lead?

Unknown Character: (silence).

Troy: Where do they lead?! (Grabs unknown character by the collar, as he does so the unknown character twists his arm round and flips him on his back)

Unknown Character: So much to learn. You raise your hands in violence when over come by silence or questions you cannot answer without a raised fist. And yet you do not think of the consequences. You act without measuring your opponent. You think that violence will give you an answer? This is not the neighbourhood that you were born in Troy.

Troy: (Gets up off the ground and looks a little embarrassed) you...how…why….How did you do that?

Unknown Character: It is called ‘will’ Troy. The will and mind. Combine then and all will become clear to you. I did not wish to do that to you and for that I’m sorry. However, some of the greatest lessons are taught by means we do not wish to use.

Troy: (shrugs) Lets be frank – you kicked my ass.

Unknown Character: Without a doubt.

Troy: Who is this Master Tong? Will I meet him?

Unknown Character: (grins) perhaps. For he is the reason you are here.

Troy: (silence)…just who are you?

(Unknown character turns his back to Troy)

Unknown character: I’m just a messenger.

Troy: A messenger?

(Unknown character turns to face Troy)

Unknown Character: A messenger; a teacher; a warrior; a father; a ghost. I am many things, and you may take your pick. Yet know this, you will not survive this journey without my aid – I will be your guardian.

Troy: You talk about things I don’t understand.

Unknown Character: In time you will

Troy: Will I at least know your name?

Unknown Character: (brief pause) it…it has been so long since I have heard those words. A name; If I remember they used to call me Arin. Yes… My name is Arin, like the one before me.

Troy: Arin. Just how long have you been here?

Arin: Not here exactly. For untold eons I have served my brotherhood in many ways. Things that I do not care to discuss here. Yet know this; I do not exist within the boundaries of time yet my duty ties me to fragments of it. I’m forced to bend time in order to achieve certain goals. For example, when I brought you here you remember playing basket ball?

Troy: Yeah

Arin: And then suddenly you were on the ground here as if you’d be hit by someone? That was your body moving at a speed that cannot be measured. We brought you here because we see something in you that we have not seen in a long time. Something magnificent. This is not the future, nor is it the past. It merely just ‘is’.

Troy: (in shock) I don’t know what you mean.

Arin: Follow me, (indicates him to go through the gate) and we shall begin the trials. I will aid you in anyway I can. Do not falter my friend. Or you will face him in the darkest nightmare of your mind.

Troy: Face who?

(Arin does not answer but heads through the gate and Troy follows. Gates at back of stage are slowly pulled open. Gate on the right is pulled to the right and gate on left is pulled out to the left. The background is shrouded in darkness and once the two characters walk through all the stage lights go off and for a few seconds the entire stage is in darkness).

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
I wrote this - its the opening to a play i started writing a year ago...Its well...weird, people will say its like the matrix but its nothing like that. its more Deus Ex influenced.

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