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» Poem: Soldiers life
Soldiers life
written by Genocide Reaper
11:11 PM 10/22/04
Hey there hero, you're gonna die, on the front, killing your enemy, you might be cocky, you might be funky, you might be fresh, but you'll serve us, and you'll die for us, we are the country that betrays you, we are the country that will love your violent nature, we'll let you set it free upon a town and there trees, you can kill, you will. You must not back down, you must not run. Now step up, take your place, take back what uncle sam has proclaimed his own. Do what we tell you. Be one of us, kill for us, we are the U.S the us of the world, the bad ass killers that deny nothing, we kill, we will, fill our country with heros. We were all born to die, born to fight, cowards sit at home, and watch the news, men march and kill, men fight to the death, men will not be forgotten, hippys will be remembered as cowards and slippys. Fools without hope in life, southern boys killing all they can. made to be a real man. Heres the plan, spill some blood, kill the ones who were combined from mud, do it marine, fire that machine gun. TO the FRONT! now do what we say, how we say, you are the infantry bred to kill, bred to destroy, bred to spread despair in the nations of our enemies. Our nation is a big hypocrasy but we'll kill for it, and yes, we fight and die for your opinion even if it is hippy propaganda, hippy slander, bullshit spoken from the mouth of coward we care nothing for!

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
*salutes the men who die for what they believe.* Yeah I know what you cowards are thinking. "he's never fought in a war!" but my family has a long Military history I'm proud of. and I plan on joining the marines.

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» Comments / Feedback
by sweetsoutherngal (10-22-2004 - 11:20 PM)
No comment is good enough for what I feel about your right to free speech.

by sweetsoutherngal (10-22-2004 - 11:21 PM)
No comment is good enough for what I feel about your right to free speech.

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