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» Poem: That Specific Immortality
That Specific Immortality
written by fuzzypunkhat
06:48 AM 11/7/04
I will not lie,
She was beautiful,
But a bit shy,
Oh yes,
I will not lie,
She had black spiral curled hair,
With diamonds in her eyes,
Oh yes,
I will not lie,
She had that look of forgiveness,
So you can put the differences aside,
Oh yes,
I will not lie,
Every time I saw her,
Blood she would cry,
Oh yes,
I will not lie,
She would sit in the darkness,
Just so the time would go by,
Oh yes,
I will not lie,
No one knew,
That she was immortal so everyone let it slide.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
helloooo again. felt like writing. im in a writing mood.WOOOWEEE!

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