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» Poem: Neglecting My Life
Neglecting My Life
written by Morbid Angel
07:40 PM 11/7/04
I lie awake through the night,
Stopping me sleeping is my thought filled mind,
Poisened blood is killing me inside,
Trying to care for the life that is mine,
I keep neglecting the life that is mine...

Silent tears or a desperate cry,
A helping hand would make a difference,
But theres no one here this time,
It's the truth that makes me feel so alone.
Trying to care for the life that is mine,
I keep neglecting the life that is mine...

I'm stuck here forever,
Trying to keep me together,
My skin is covered in wounds that won't seal,
I keep bleeding and my cuts won't heal.
I'm neglecting my body and killing my soul,
Theres nothing left of me on earth so I think I'll just go.

The sun is bright, can't hide from it's light,
I need to let go, holding on to life too tight,
Bury my body, throw away my love,
I wonder if it's time to give up.
Trying to care for the life that is mine,
I keep neglecting the life that is mine...

I'm stuck here forever,
Trying to keep me together,
My skin is covered in wounds that won't seal,
I keep bleeding and my cuts won't heal.
I'm neglecting my body and killing my soul,
Theres nothing left of me on earth so I think I'll just go.

Everything reminds me of you,
I'm searching for everything, only finding the truth,
I'm hearing some voice,
Do you hear it too?
Dropping my pride,
I'll leave life behind,
Because today it ends,
Time for me to die.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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