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» Poem: God damn it! do it already!
God damn it! do it already!
written by Genocide Reaper
12:38 AM 11/10/04
No media, no meaning, just another seething of feelings. Hollow point inside your head, you're better off dead. I can create anything I see fit in descriptive sentences, bow down, or betray the will, do it, give in kill. I'm still underground, no matter how much I work, or how much I try you still want more, I guess the titles don't seem to attract you, I guess I can't suck you in until you read it all. Love me or Hate me I'm filled with Ideas and power of words. All of these eye whores fall in love with my work I can't help it, its what I do. Yet I'm still underground like my opinions don't even make a sound. But they really do, its crushing your skulls, snapping your necks. I'm the underground poet with the most of it. I can't get any eyes on my work. I think all of these suicidal lies are a waste of everyones time. You suicidal people sicken me, why can't you kill some one beside yourself? Don't you feel the anger? Why do you cry? Why do you lie? I think you're all sociopaths crying for attention. Just a worthless point of view a stupid vision of killing yourself. Real men die kicking ass. Whine whine fucking whine is all I see. Just do it, if not for yourself then do it for me. Kill yourself and let go of the bullshit you are so tired of. You are liars, cryers, denial has set into your mind, you must feel really left behind, but by who? If so, then you don't need them anyway. Just like I don't need you. You are all worthless stains on society and my mind and all of me. Cowards.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
I'm just really fucking tired of all the God damn suicide.. Hey, I feel you.. But why can't you just do it? Whats stopping you? If its so bad do it..

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This Poem has been viewed 440 times

» Comments / Feedback
by butterflyeffect (11-10-2004 - 03:05 AM)
Okay. Since 13 people viewed this and noone wrote shit, I will. I agree with you to a certain extent. I thind if someone realy wants to kill themselves, they would've done it already. And I think you should keep in mind that not every one does these things to themselves for attention although many do. Also, everyone expresses there what the fuck is in their mest up heads in different ways such as poems on suicide attepts or... raping nuns... so I realy don't thind it's your place to tell these people what they're doing wrong or that they should just kill themselves already. I mean I'm probably not anyone to tell you this either but you did you leave your comment thingy open. But ummm... nice work by the way. I'v read a few of your poems and they're interesting.

by Genocide Reaper (11-10-2004 - 03:15 PM)
I might not be the one to say anything...But hey, Some times. People need to get it over with.

by bleeder (11-12-2004 - 02:33 AM)
woah...yor right you should join the army

by BloodshedRose (11-23-2004 - 03:46 AM)
My cousin killed himself 4 years ago...have a little respect....I love your work...but unfortunately, I disagree with this one...no offense intended...I'm not trying to make ememies, but some people just cant deal....

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