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» Poem: How Love Fades
How Love Fades
written by Morbid Angel
03:32 PM 11/12/04
"Nobody said I don't love you anymore."
"How could you possibly love me anymore, I'll admit myself, I've been a complete asshole."
"Like I said, it doesn't just...go."
"Sometimes all the things that come with it just go but not the actual feeling."
"Maybe you won't think about them in the same way, you won't be blinded by any stupid illusions or dreams of things you know won't happen, maybe you lose that fuzzly feeling that you get from even the slightest thing that reminds you of them but you can't just not love someone."
"what's left if you don't have those things?"
"Caring for them, scared of being hated by
them, trying to get close but being pushed away...it's just love."
"that's not love, that's just friendship"
"It's different from a friendship, friends can do things and they'll always get to you but the only thing that can get to me is you hating me, no matter how much of an asshole you become I could never not care, and it never makes me think any different of you"
"I don't hate you, I just seem to get angry sometimes, it's uncontrollable."
"You won't even tell me why."
"probably just jealous..."
"not being the one who you love."
"Why would that make you angry?"
"I don't know, I just get jealous of stuff really easily, you know that."

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
It's a convo between me and my ex, I'll edit it to a poem later

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