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» Poem: Spirit in blood
Spirit in blood
written by Genocide Reaper
04:30 PM 11/12/04
Once I was a Christian in Hell. As long as I stood with Christ I was engulfed in flames. I seeked God, and he handed me gasoline, soon as I studied the errors, I made attempts to get to the mirror, and reflect upon myself an exit from the lies. Sing praises to your Christ, and I'll bow to my God and his glorys in Pride, and Loyalty. God! Help me with this Blood soaked glory! God pour this Blood on me! Satan was a fool who got power mad, The Jews didn't even give a fuck, Satan was stupid and out of luck. Lilith was the one with the most of it, Queen of Vampiric, sucubus type Demons, of all shapes and sizes. God as I stand surrounded by evil, Sword in hand, help me douse myself in Blood! Bring the pride filled flood! and aid me in getting doused in the blood of fools! as I use all of which you gave me! the Sacred tools! I gave you my soul! my punishment lies within your grasp! so before I die, allow me to do my deeds, and give me the strength give them the vengence I which to pass! Pass out to them all like stones in a quarry. Guide my Grudge! My face is covered in war paint, and I'm coming in aiemd straight at your heart! your words are useless! Nothing you can say or do to stop this, nothing you can say or do to top this! nothing you have I want, just your life dieing before my eyes! Nothing you say can hault my urge! FUCK YOU! God Help me douse my SPIRIT IN BLOOD!!!!! Slaying the sheep, this is what I speak, rapeing the weak of their blind faith, this is what I reap, Telling you the errors you make, this should make you weep! but if you are deaf to my truth then you shouldn't be able to breed any of todays youth! YOUR LIES ARE SHIT! There it gos, my sword landed a hit!

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
The first part, is me being trapt into something I thought I wanted, but came to find out. In my personal belief. That God doesn't accept Christians. For Jesus was a mortal man, which is now proclaimed as a God...Which he is not.. He was a martyr. If all martyrs were Gods. There would be too many to count.

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» Comments / Feedback
by dacode05 (11-12-2004 - 06:23 PM)
Hard, yet smoothly written. I'm confused if you could explain more clearly what this line means..."Lilith was the one with the most of it." The most of what?

by Genocide Reaper (11-12-2004 - 06:29 PM)
I could say ass and tities, but I'd be lieing.. Shes the one with the most push to be the real evil. Not Lucifer.

by Darkwolfgirl (11-12-2004 - 08:08 PM)
beautiful poem. i really like ur writting. faith is a hoax.

by chaoticthoughts (11-12-2004 - 08:12 PM)
very well put. my family is christian and i don't believe any of that cockanelli bullshit

by Genocide Reaper (11-14-2004 - 05:05 PM)
Faith isn't a hoax.. Faith in a mortal is a hoax.

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