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» Poem: Flood of feelings
Flood of feelings
written by Genocide Reaper
07:46 PM 11/18/04
I never let you go this I know, but I can't take this shit anymore. Everyone lineing up. Kneeling before me, as If I'm Christ. I'm the Anti-Christ, I hurt people when I help them. Thats price of being free. I tell you what you should do, and you claim that there its all a fluke. This is why I belong on the battle field, I can't take this life of Drug fiends and kids giving head for a hit. Drugs, slums, sluts, I'd rather take a man and place a blade to his throat and slowly cut. I'd rather kill than watch this world bend. Fucking dope heads, fucking politics, fucking Religious bible thumpers.. And the fucked up thing is. They are out to save the world, and they are starting to help pour the gas on it as it burns. Yet I'm the evil one, I'm the bad one, I'm a little fucking insane, but I'm intelligent, and my Knowledge is a curse, for no water do I thirst, I will die on my terms. I will fade into the black sun. I am the Son of God just like all of you. Whether or not you choose to piss the chance to be strong or not. Its as if you doubt every single fucking thing. How do you expect to be safe if you can't fight for yourself? How do you all expect to be sane if you can't keep a grip on what you want? How do you see it as wrong to stand and fight? Why is it you all want to moan bitch and cry through out the night? I want some war, and I want you all to die so I can live in peace and then I'll be able to peacefully have a thrill! All of my strength is in my will, all of my power is to kill! What am I suppose to do? Stand here and always hold your hand for you? Everyones hands are upon me, dragging me down, no matter what I do its never right! But I keep going, because I shall never stop.. I will make it to the top. Whether it kills me or not.........AHHHHHHHHHHHH! I LOVE TO FUCKING HATE! AND I WANT TO SUFFOCATE YOU WITH FATE! Welcome inside of my mind, this ride isn't about to end, I am the snake coiled and ready to strike, I am the tiger in the shadows waiting on my prey, so I can sink my fangs in like a pike. To remove the problems, first you must recognize them, to get out of Hell first you must realize how you got there, Back track your way out.. Some times you must spit in the face of the ones you love, to get your point across, hell, some times you even have to crucify them with brutal words. Treat them like Christ. Look into my eyes, and tell me of the destruction you see. It involves my life and yours. these dreams of rapeing you eternally, and killing for imortallity.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
I'm pissed off, and I'm wondering.. And I want to KILL! at this very point in time.. I would execute everyone

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» Comments / Feedback
by dacode05 (11-18-2004 - 07:55 PM)
no kneeling...just needed your hand. Is there no difference in the way I have needed you and all the rest? Is there no difference in your "love" and your friend?

by Genocide Reaper (11-18-2004 - 07:59 PM)
I told you what to do.. I gave you my hand.

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