I'm holding a cold brass shell caseing, and I'm on my knees praying. Wondering how to make it through without killing you! I put a bullet in the heart of christ, all the way through his plastic torso into his wooden cross! My blood runs cold, I sweat, as I think of melting gold. Christians came, Christians killed, Christians stole. Spineless molestors of Mother Earth, weak links in the chain, the fall of humanity, the start of a putrifying society! Now you all suffer for this Christ, and his fucking story. A story of murder, rape, and lies. A story of Under handed theivery, hate, and cries! A glory of a False God and greed! He's the wound upon the Earth that constantly bleeds infected to the core, rotting the flesh of history, killing all with his Con-artist glamour. Rinse your bloody hands clean Christians because in the end! you suffer! Make no mistake, do not pretend your christ is a virus!. I'm walking down these streets, I see junkies in the ally, crack heads and hookers on the corner, sickening me, Christian belief, that these people have a chance, they are lost inside a evil Christian trance. Christ the by product of rape, and hate, Christ the disease that infects the entire United States. Christ the virus, Christ the liar, Christ the con-artist which placed the world in a place that seems very dire! Call him Molesting Sire, call him rape, murder, greed lover, and Witch burning, cat killing starter, a Fool who now is hailed for Trickery! Through out an infeced SOCIETY CHRIST THE VIRUS!!! |