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» Poem: .*A letter to myself*.
.*A letter to myself*.
written by Open_Until_4Am
08:09 PM 11/30/04
My friends ask me the same questions all the time.
I told them I don't know, I just don't know why.
Strangers or just people I seem to always see.
Ask me what's wrong?
I look at them, like are you for really!?!
Then I laugh it off, I replied with no everything is just fine.
Look to me with wonder.
Yes, what is on my mind.
See I'll never give anyone a straight answer.
I don't see a reason to why.
I used to like to be around people.
But now I find it to be so annoying.
No one knows what they want, until they already lost it.
I find myself wanting to be alone.
I talked to this consular she told that there's something wrong.
But I don't really seem to even care at all.
I don't even talk to people on the computer.
Shouldn't that be easier?
I guess not with what goes on in my head.
Dark thoughts, Sad feelings, A life time of regrets.
I can sit for hours writing things down in a pad.
I could read them over a million times and they still wouldn't make sense.
I used to want love in my life so much it made me cry.
Does it really matter?
Love is just something people think they feel.
Pointless never more the less that I still want this.
I wonder if this is who I am.
Did I really turn myself into this?
Hate it, oh yes! I hate it!
Down in the gutter lies who I used to be.
A girl who was happy not some sad little cutter.
When will things get better is another thought that comes to my mind?
The answer is there right away, just simply never.
So tired of the voices in the back of my head.
So I want you to know that this isn't a suicide letter/poem.
As I know many may come to think.
I just got tired of listening to myself yell back and forth.
That I wrote some little meaningless things to me.
For all I do is think about everything.
That some times I need a break from myself.
But some how I don't know if I can.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
It says it all. wOnder what you will all think?!?!comment!

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» Comments / Feedback
by Cauti0nspeedbump (11-30-2004 - 08:19 PM)
holy shit that poems amazing

by (anonymous) (11-30-2004 - 08:34 PM)
I know exactly how you feel...Well, in the end, it might all work some how...See you in the next life *Lindsey*

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