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» Poem: Mr Kerry
Mr Kerry
written by Genocide Reaper
09:02 PM 12/13/04
I don't think people really knew you Mr Kerry, so let me explain to them, help you out, free of fucking charge. You went off to combat, knowing full and well the consequences, yet you come back and spit in the face of the country, later you wanted to lead. You kissed the enemies ass, and had your fellow country men, fellow soliders, that were P.O.W's tormented, you call yourself a vetern, yet for the wounds, you recieved, band aids were brought out. You can't keep track of anything, you spouted off about a plan, and being a man, yet you had no details of either. You said you weren't liberal, yet, even your own comrads, admitted that you are. Nobody likes you, and I know why. Its because you lie, and whine. Nobody wants to hear what you say. After all, you would hang around John Lennon. Your wife 'was' married to a Republican, but he died, and then she scrounged up all his money, and invested it into the opposite party. She talked down upon educators, and you wonder why I call her a whore. You said this war could not be one, you said, you were a Catholic, thus you believed in the son. Your just another moron, was then our President now, even if these little kids scream and shout, asking how. Because I just explained it, and theres so much more. I could really go on forever. But its simple, your a hypocrite, I'd love to see some one kill you. Now say goodbye, and goodnight forever, and just hurl yourself from the washington monument. Because all the shit you preach? I don't care anything for it.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
All I hear is little whiney kids.. Bashing Bush, they don't really know the man, and they never knew Kerry either. So, heres Kerry. the coward.. The man that came home, and spit in his countrys face only to kiss his Enemies ass.. Bush wants to kick ass. Kerry wants to kiss it.. Its a hand down descision who's a better leader.. THE ASS KICKER!! KICKER! GOD DAMN IT!

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» Comments / Feedback
by sarah10087 (12-13-2004 - 09:28 PM)
your political standing point is good but you havent justified it right.

by Genocide Reaper (12-13-2004 - 10:40 PM)
What the fuck would you know about Justification?

by maledeth (12-14-2004 - 08:52 PM)
Hey..Mr. Anarchy...weren't you protesting against war in another poem?! Liberals, man...I guess that's the label....liberal...

by Genocide Reaper (12-16-2004 - 01:51 AM)
Iv never protested against war.. I might get indepth about the Hell of it. But that doesn't mean I don't support it.

by dancingrooster08 (12-19-2004 - 02:59 PM)
Do you know Kerry personally? If you don't, you're being a hypocrite for lashing out at those who bash people they don't know, seeing as your entire poem is devoted to bashing Kerry (who I'll assume you've never met). It's actually pretty funny that in your footer section you mentioned those "whiny little kids" who bash Kerry and Bush. You ARE one of those whiny little kids because you just wrote a poem bashing a political leader who you don't know. I don't know how you didn't realize that. I just figured I should point that out to you. erika. P.S. If you really do know Kerry, I'd love to meet him. Maybe you could mention me the next time you talk to him!

by (anonymous) (1-5-2005 - 05:20 AM)
"what the fuck do you know about justification?" ~ okay ...is it just me or are you a hypocrite. it's not me.. you're a hypocrite. well mr. republican anarchist... learn your fuckin facte before you start running you mouth full or shit. i obviously can't even utter how i feel about the odasity about you worthless poem of shit. but go here www.politicalstragety.org learn some fuckin facts, instead of going off the fuckin right winged media horseshit. People like YOU piss me off. fuck . did i mention i like th words fuck. make a poem abotu that while you fuck that president up the ass.

by psychopathicmonkey (1-21-2005 - 02:43 AM)
wow everyone who commented obviously is a liberal n some of u oughta lay off of him n get the real facts friggen uptight crackaddicts

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