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» Poem: ~^!Oh my Beautiful!^~
~^!Oh my Beautiful!^~
written by Open_Until_4Am
02:44 AM 12/17/04
Wait for the silence.
Take a step back from what you see.
Wonder what life could have been like.
To worried about everyone else.
Stuck in the pasted of what went wrong
Feeling sorry cause you fell for that love song.
I don’t know what to say anymore.
But go a head pull the trigger.
I’m waiting for something more, just like you.
Oh my beautiful.
Take my hand, lets walk into the sun.
Burn all our problems away, and come back to another day.
Hold your breathe, as I hold my head under the water.
Open the eyes that which have always been so blind.
Please don’t say what you say.
Oh my beautiful, I let you down again.
Coming to a point, I hit rock bottom once more.
Sometimes I wonder if I should act like a whore.
Love is what I seek out in life .
Poor thing, I think you beautiful.
Oh my beautiful why don’t you love me.
Taste of what I can’t have.
Your lips I cry for, sweet kiss of the lip ring you have.
Walk with me as I tell and show you everything that I mean.
Please see Oh my beautiful that I know you were meant for me.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Wow.. I so can't be with him

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This Poem has been viewed 371 times

» Comments / Feedback
by .Melody. (12-17-2004 - 02:53 AM)
This is really pretty. I truly feel you're sense of longing. It really sucks when there right in front of you, and you just can't have them. I hope things work out.

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