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» Poem: Faces
written by sarah10087
12:19 AM 12/19/04
The breeding ground that is school.
I'll admit it, I play the fool.
I contradict the social conformers
The unthinking workers
I ensure I see things in another veiw
Thats because I don't want to be you;
The mass majority
The empty jug to authority
To which the knowledge is poured
To produce an unthinking work force.

The realm or boredom, zenith the pit
A room full of all those who do not fit
But they're the same, one homogeneous group
Like chickens pened up in their coup.
Once again, I fail to gel
With those pent up in that prison cell.
I just sit, a social observer, mute
I don't care enough to cause a dispute
An outcast by my own distinction
A dream character of fiction

Home, where the heart lies.
Untruths told, which i despise
Truley, the black sheep of the house
Liked by neither parents' spouse
I'm an object thats in the way.
If it wasn't for me they'd get on great.
A smear of a past life,
left by his ex-wife
An object that leaches care,
yet receives nothing but despair
from this, my comfort zone,
This is my face at home.

Ganley's, my falling grace
Where I go to get off my face
Forget whats gone on, live, liberation
But reveals no more, than pain and desperation.
The place where I turn into my father.
A mumbling fool, a face I would rather
forget. The cure is my drink
As my brain ceases to think
Of logics and reason, which i contemplate,
when i wear any other face.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
more faces....to be continued.

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» Comments / Feedback
by mattwhatever (12-19-2004 - 12:25 AM)
your never alone at work or any where u always got me thats a promise!

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