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sarah10087's Poetry Profile

Lastest info from sarah10087:
Well, all you need to know is that I'm in love, that I'm falling for someone in everyway possible and that I want my life to stay like this forever.---> but i know it wont :(

sarah10087's bio:
The recent stuff is some of my best. Then again, i still like some of the oldies. They have not been redrafted unless it says so.

Poem TitleDate
Your Own Movie4/18/05
Lonely Body4/15/05
Discovering Your Character4/15/05
An Ode to Those Who Matter--*4/14/05
And There It Is4/8/05
And So It Was4/8/05
Separated at death4/7/05
The Building of A Self4/7/05
My Reincarnation4/7/05
A Night Out3/31/05
Feel It3/29/05
Sweet Gentle Love. . . .3/23/05
Bloody Baby Carnage3/21/05
I Gave Away My Innocence3/21/05
Freed my Soul3/20/05
Nothing to Do But Cry3/20/05
Screaming Heart3/20/05
Whore to the Core3/20/05
When You Have to Leave3/20/05
My Double3/18/05
And Here I Am3/18/05
The fate of Jingoism3/16/05
The Land That is Forever Ireland3/16/05
Lady In Waiting3/16/05
MY suicide NOTE -ish-3/15/05
'Tis Now A Cross Upon MY Back3/15/05
Easily Swayed3/14/05
Anthropic, Or Simply Being Human3/11/05
Another Fallen Tear3/11/05
GiveUp Your Dying Crusade(geno+maledeth)3/7/05
Understanding from my veiw3/7/05
My Discretional Love for mayonnaise3/4/05
Fighting for your title (geno and co.)3/2/05
Poetry god? My arse2/26/05
A virgin through and through.2/26/05
a ho?2/25/05
the SeEd (3)2/19/05
The sEeD (2)2/19/05
The seed (1)2/19/05
I've found it2/19/05
ReturnOfTheBelovd,goodbye of the friend2/13/05
SO fUCKING What!!1/2/05
LIFE (an overveiw)12/31/04
ArseLickinHypocrites(4d geno fan club)12/30/04
Listen to the Rhythme of the fallin rain12/28/04
He's Still Here12/26/04
The Circle Continues12/21/04
It Hurts12/20/04
I Live In The HOPE12/20/04
ThE LoNeLy PiOnEeR12/20/04
DaMeD fUcKiNg IrrItAtIoN12/20/04
The Lovely Tale of Shit12/19/04
I SEE what you fail to understand12/17/04
Running for or from??12/16/04
Losing Sleep (structured)12/16/04
Losing Sleep12/16/04
Red Tommy12/15/04
Carlo Giuliani12/15/04
Sign on12/15/04
Same old same old12/15/04
Love or obsession?12/14/04
Can you not see?12/14/04
Anarchy- kahno and geno12/13/04
Have not been alone in a while12/13/04
I Hurt YOU12/12/04
Friend or foe12/10/04
Empty and alone12/9/04
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