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» Poem: My Closure to your Death
My Closure to your Death
written by AthiestAnarchist
08:03 PM 12/20/04
I lay here and I want to die
But I can't...for its a sin
Not to any other religion but mine
It would be illegal in my mind.
I would want to be thrown in jail and there my body would rot.
All croocked and distraught.
One day, someone would come in to see the reched sight
One day, someone would rap their arms around my dead body real tight.
I would feel the pain for them as they did for me
To come back to them, I would plee
If all my wishes came true, I would have you back...both of you two.
I wish that what I said was true to my two friends
Who didn't think of us...they only thought of them
They left us all with out any goodbyes
They left us...both of them lied.
One said they were moving, one said he'd never do it.
It's amazing how we all got through it.
Ben and Happy, I wish we had you back...
But we can't. I guess I have to accept that fact.
I miss you both so much, it's true.
You had many friends that cared for you
And without you...it's hard to get through
Never forget us...we'll be with you guys soon
Sooner or later, the whole planet is doomed...
This is my closure...Goodbye...I'll miss you.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
please leave thoughts if you want to...this was hard to do because even though I didn't know Happy that well, I still miss seeing him. I miss Ben so much...It just hurts so bad...

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