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» Poem: Mr. Complain, about complaints.
Mr. Complain, about complaints.
written by Genocide Reaper
09:13 PM 12/20/04
A stupid fuck arises from the compost heap, to try and bring us all to our knees. Another idiot speaks, just do us all a favor. Go to the nearest bridge, take hold of a hundred pound rock. Step from the edge, into the waters. Leap fool, drown. Because to us, you are a moronic clown. You speak of grammar, and English skills, but when it comes to freestyle poetry, for the life of you, our hearts, whether iced or not, you cannot thrill. You complain about complaints, you must be so weak, at the site of blood you faint. I wouldn't be surprised to see you whoring yourself out for a rock. A crack-head, maybe a junkie, I bet you love to give head. Maybe for all of us, you'll be found some where dead. I think the most amazing thing that could happen to you, is for a gun barrel to be at your temple point blank, they pull the trigger, placing a great end, to a crack head without friends. Yes motherfucker I just put you down, yes motherfucke earlier in this poem I called you a clown, yes motherfucker I'm repeating the rhymes, I'm doing it for a reason, because I want these words in the lime light, I want them to circle your mind, and get under your skin, I want you to write some more, to show us how your dick is so thin. I bet you would give your balls for a talent like mine, but the truth is, you'll never have it, not even if you could practice until the end of time.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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» Comments / Feedback
by BigBombB (12-20-2004 - 09:18 PM)
Haha, I laughed, I did, it brought a smile to my face...but you still suck.

by (anonymous) (12-20-2004 - 09:24 PM)
Weak sauce.... Fucking pathetic. You make baby Jesus cry with your delusional writings. Hopes and dreams....One day you'll prove your life hasn't been wasted yet.

by lOOks_DeCiEvE (12-20-2004 - 09:27 PM)
WHy do you hate everything? Has the world really been that cruel to you? Or are you just rebelling from the DRAMA KING you really are? You turned your stupid hate into arogance. You talk like you think your GOD just sitting on top of the world in control. But I see a scared little boy sitting in a chair, writing these poems that you call "art" trying to build your sorry self up. Do us all a favor, stop being so negative and get off the ego-trip.

by BigBombB (12-20-2004 - 09:55 PM)
I Love You Too.

by DragonWingedWolf (12-20-2004 - 11:18 PM)
I like it, being negative is fine,it is your art afterall but you might want to clear your chakras every once in a while, all of the negative energy is not good for you over an extended period of time...

by maledeth (12-21-2004 - 10:43 AM)
You know why we hate fucks like you...it's called misanthropy...as to Geno, This poem is the Eve of inspiration for me.

by Erix (12-21-2004 - 10:26 PM)
If you asshats don't like his poems then why read them y not just try to gain some talent like his instead of trying to insult him damn your lives must be pretty sad if all you have to do is insult another persons work yall are just worthless

by Genocide Reaper (12-22-2004 - 02:02 AM)
You all just suck, and get pissed when you see pure rage forced into poetry.. Hey, Bigbomb what the fuck ever sucks. Its a fact. He complained about people complaining.. What the fuck.

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