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» Poem: Crushed To Pieces
Crushed To Pieces
written by blackened_rose
12:24 AM 1/4/05
Your such a fuckin whore
How was I the bore?
All you talk about is sex
Like a teacher reading text!

I couldn't talk you into wanting me
But then again, how could that be?
You want what I wont give
I'm a virgin, taht's how I live!

Fuck you, if you don't want to be there
When my eyes start to tear
Today's the day I will fade away
And find myself another way

I wanted to be there when you cried
But you just made me so I died
Have you as badly wanted to die,
Behind all these lies?

Haven't you been on display
In that old fassoined way?
Making your big bucks
Off someoneelse for more then looks?

Did yoiu ever say goodbye
Or was that another lie?
You say you love me
But when I need you, you flee

It feels good when you shout
Because it shows how much you pout
Deaath is inside me
Because it's you who makes me bleed!

What the fuck was i stupposed to do
Your lies are like the flue!
You make me so fucking pissed
Life is what I missed

I don't feel right when your gone
Because I feel so alone
But when your with me
I get the oppposite feeling

I'm broken when I'm alone
Our love is held together by that tone
I wanted to hold you up high
But now, I wish you'd die

I'm not meeting anyone now
For taht I can't do
I'm leaving you though
With you, I've sunk to low

Good bye my once lover
I wish you better
Look upon me no more
For I'm lieing dead on the floor

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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