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» Poem: Bad timing
Bad timing
written by Genocide Reaper
12:53 AM 1/9/05
Bad timing, it was bad timing when you came to me with your problems, bad timing when you came to me whining, it was bad timing through out the years when we weren't apart, now that we are, I can actually see, that I have no heart. I am pleased with your leave, I am glad that you left sad, I lavish in your misery, but hey, that's just me. Bad timing was when you came to me bitching about your family, bad timing when you came screaming at the top of your lungs, asking me to do something that might cause me to get hung. You don't deserve my respect, you deserve a bullet, a blade in the heart, a stake in the gut, a razor across your throat. Bad timing sealed your fate, you never cared about me even when you said you were late, my feelings didn't account for anything, so I killed them as quickly as they came. I just couldn't shut up and silently take the blame! This psycho's not a zero, and this psycho learned you cannot come out on top when playing hero! Bad timing when you handed me that gun, and gave me a target, bad timing when you learned that I could prove that you were ignorant, I don't know about now, do you want to try and ask me the same question and see if I bow? We know the outcome already, I'd shut you down quickly, before you could even attempt to place me in your mental and sexual slavery. That pussy isn't good enough to keep me contained, your body isn't perfect, and your mind is weak, so why the Hell would I sell out for a piece of ass in the first place? I'd be happy if I never again saw your face. Every word that rolled off your tongue and escaped those lips enraged me, every time you had something to say, it was bad timing, the drama, the whining, the bitching, the moaning, the lack of honesty, and you wonder why I don't want anything to do with you completely.

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